ΔΠΜΣ: «Μουσειακές Σπουδές»

Το 11ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Πειραματικής Γλωσσολογίας πραγματοποιείται από τις 12 έως τις 14 Οκτωβρίου 2020, μόνο διαδικτυακά. Το Συνέδριο τελεί υπό την αιγίδα του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.


The ExLing 2020 conference programme will be carried out in Zoom context. In order to join any session, click on the corresponding highlighted day. 

ExLing 2020 Preliminary Programme, 12-14 October 2020 (GMT)

Monday 12

11.45: Welcome address

12.00: Plenary oral session 1 
12.00: Keynote lecture 1
How do writing systems shape reading and reading acquisition?
Kathy Rastle

12.40: Paper 01
On the acquisition of Greek free choice items
Evangelia Vlachou, Dimitrios Kotopoulis, Spyridoula Varlokosta

13.00: Paper 02
Disfluency patterns in the language production system
Aurélie Pistono, Robert J. Hartsuiker

13. 20: Paper 03
Vowel length of Czech trisyllabic words in L1 Russian speakers
Jitka Veroňková, Giorgi Gersamia

13.40 Break

14.00: Plenary oral session 2
14.00: Paper 04
Academic vocabulary in an English for Academic Purposes course
Sophia Skoufaki, Bojana Petrić

14.20: Paper 05
Using uncertainty for multi-domain text classification
Kourosh Meshgi, Maryam Sadat Mirzaei

14.40: Paper 06
Well-established monolingual literacy predictors in bilinguals
Insiya Bhalloo, Kai Ian Leung, Monika Molnar

15.00: Paper 07
L2 vocabulary learning motivation by Chinese EFL learners
Xuan Wang

15.20: Paper 08
Tutoring EFL Students in Portugal: Rethinking writing center methodology
Maria Inês Caldeira de Almeida, Sydelle de Souza

15.40: Break

16.00: Plenary oral session 3
16.00: Keynote lecture 2
Children’s syntax: a parametric approach
William Snyder

16.40: Paper 09
Planning of active and passive voice in German
Judith Schlenter, Yulia Esaulova, Elyesa Seidel, Martina Penke

17.00: Paper 10
A data-driven caption for L2 listening
Maryam Sadat Mirzaei, Kourosh Meshgi

17.20: Paper 11
Morphological awareness in L1 and L2 reading skills
Vassiliki Tsela, Georgia Andreou, Maria Liakou, Julie Baseki

17.40: Break

18.00: Plenary oral session 4
18.00: Paper 12
Subject-object subextraction asymmetry in Russian
Daria Belova

18.20: Paper 13
Acquisition of the Chinese conjunction hé by Russian speakers
Xin Yan, Lemei Peng, Shanshan Yan

18.40: Paper 14
Disambiguating cues of disjunctive questions
Mohammad Ali. S. Bani Younes, Sam Hellmuth

19.00: Paper 15
The grammar behind word association tasks
Sydelle de Souza, Alina Villalva, Carina Pinto

19.20: Paper 16
The meaning of democracy vs. ideology
Agnieszka Grażul-Luft

Tuesday 13
12.00: Plenary oral session 5
12.00: Keynote lecture 3
A neurophonetic perspective on articulation planning
Wolfram Ziegler

12.40: Paper 17
Acoustic characteristics of Italian Parkinsonian speech: a study on early-stage patients
Marta Maffia, Rosa De Micco, Alessandro Tessitore, Anna De Meo

13.00: Paper 18
Production of Greek vowels by hearing-impaired children
Elina Nirgianaki, Maria Bitzanaki

13.20: Paper 19
Duration measurement of vocants in infants with Cochlear Implants
Paris Binos, Chryssoula Thodi, George Psillas, Paris Vogazianos

13.40: Break

14.00: Plenary oral session 6
14.00: Paper 20
Automated speech analysis enables MCI diagnosis
Charalambos Themistocleous, Marie Eckerström, Dimitrios Kokkinakis

14.20: Paper 21
Difficulties in adjacent vowel length of L1 Russian speakers in Czech
Zdena Palková, Tomáš Bořil, Jitka Veroňková

14.40: Paper 22
Eliciting focus-sensitive why-questions in Japanese
Kodai Aramaki, Kanako Ikeda, Kyoko Yamakoshi, Tomohiro Fujii

15.00: Paper 23
Comprehension of verb directionality in LIS and LSF
Valentina Aristodemo, Beatrice Giustolisi, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati

15.20: Paper 24
Complements vs. adjuncts and mouse-controlled reading
Armine Garibyan

15.40 Break

16.00: Plenary oral session 7
16.00: Keynote lecture 4
Brain bases for language and logic and their clinical relevance
Yosef Grodzinsky

16.40: Paper 25
Complex syntax intervention for Developmental Language Impairment
Maria Athanatou, Elena Theodorou

17.00: Paper 26
Sentence repetition in German-speaking individuals with Down syndrome
Bernadette Witecy, Tatjana Tolkmit, Martina Penke

17.20: Paper 27
Intensity as a gradient measure of vowel devoicing in Cheyenne
Rachel Vogel

17.40: Break

18.00: Plenary oral session 8
18.00: Paper 28
Individual differences in processing pseudo-inflected nonwords
Julia Schwarz, Mirjana Bozic, Brechtje Post

18.20: Paper 29
Properties of the nominal stress grammar in Greek
Vasiliki Apostolouda

18.40: Paper 30
Preliminaries to the Tuvan interrogative intonation
Tatiana Ryzhikova, Albina Dobrinina, Ilia Plotnikov

19.00: Paper 31
Answering negative questions in Russian
Yulia Panchenko

19.20: Paper 32
Acoustic-orthographic interface in L2 phonology by L1 Cypriot-Greek speakers
Sviatlana Karpava, Elena Kkese

19.40: Break

20.00: Plenary oral session 9
20.00: Paper 33
Degree of Czech R/L acquisition in L1 Chinese speakers
Petra Poukarová, Jitka Veroňková

20.20: Paper 34
The outcomes of neglecting native language teaching
Natia Botkoveli

20.40: Paper 35
Practical challenges in polylexical metronome synchronisation
Connor McCabe

21.00: Paper 36
Experimental testing of the left periphery
Jose Sequeros-Valle

21.20: Paper 37
Disambiguation in corpus of Modern Greek
Maxim Kisilier, Olga Nikolaenkova

Wednesday 14

12.00: Plenary oral session 10
12.00: Keynote lecture 5
The representation of time in computational models of sound change
Jonathan Harrington

12.40: Paper 38
Tone-consonant co-occurrence probability in Mandarin
Chiung-Yu Chang, Feng-fan Hsieh

13.00: Paper 39
The production of Italian dental affricates by Portuguese speakers
Chiara Meluzzi

13.20: Paper 40
Language constructs as compatibility intervals
Pavlo Kapustin, Michael Kapustin

13.40: Break

14.00: Plenary oral session 11
14.00: Paper 41
A phonetic comparison of two Irish English varieties
Francesca Nicora, Sonia Cenceschi, Chiara Meluzzi

14.20: Paper 42
Sound dimensions and formants
Grandon Goertz, Terese Anderson

14.40: Paper 43
Perception of word-final inserted vowels and syllabicity in Italian
Veronica Miatto

15.00: Paper 44
The phonation types in Fuzhou Chinese
Changhe Chen

15.20: Paper 45
The intonation of Italian verbless exclamatives
Patrizia Sorianello

15.40: Break

16.00: Plenary oral session 12
16.00: Paper 46
Individual differences in Mandarin focus production
Yike Yang, Si Chen

16.20: Paper 47
On only-pragmatically driven intonation change
Marco Barone

16.40: Paper 48
Automatic detection of accent phrases in French
Philippe Martin

17.00: Paper 49
Word stress and sentence prosody in Greek
Antonis Botinis, Christina Alexandris, Athina Kontostavlaki

17.20: Paper 50
Syllable rate vs. segment rate in perceived speech rate
Yahya Aldholmi

17.40: Break

18.00: Plenary oral session 13
18.00: Paper 51
Prosody of focus in statements of the Altai language
Elena Shestera, Nikolay Urtegeshev, Iraida Selutina, Anton Shamrin

18.20: Paper 52
Quantity inferences in conditionals: a pilot experimental study
Natalia Zevakhina, Veronika Prigorkina

18.40: Paper 53
Masked priming in picture naming and lexical selection
Manal Alharbi

19.00: Paper 54
Thematic role and grammatical function affect pronoun production
Sofiana-Iulia Lindemann, Stanca Mada, Laura Sasu, Madalina Matei

19.20: Paper 55
Zipf’s law in Toki Pona
Dariusz Jan Skotarek

19.40: Closing session

19.50: ExLing Society meeting

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