First Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Linguistic Theory (CIALT 1)

The Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Linguistic Theory aims at bringing together scholars from theoretical linguistics, cognitive studies, applied psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, clinical linguistics and educational studies. Especially over the last two decades, prominent trends within the individual fields have led to an increase of specialization, resulting in a never seen before diversity of methods and techniques. The theme of the first year’s meeting “Theoretical and Applied methods for evaluating (a)-typical language” intends to promote communication among these disciplines by inviting research on the general methodology and tools used in accessing language development and language deviation. Special emphasis is given on evaluating typical and a-typical language and/or the theoretical insights to be gained from interdisciplinary research in this area.

Invited Speakers
Naama Friedmann (Tel Aviv University)
Kleanthes Grohmann (University of Cyprus)
Winfried Lechner (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Maria Kabanaros (Cyprus University of Technology)
Alec Marantz (New York University)
Eleni Orfanidou (University of Crete)
Liina Pylkkänen (New York University)
Uli Sauerland (Leibniz – Center of General Linguistics in Berlin (ZAS) Berlin)
Arhonto Terzi (Educational Institute of W. Greece, Patras)
Kazuko Yatsushiro (Leibniz – Center of General Linguistics in Berlin (ZAS) Berlin)

For enquiries, please contact us at or (Vina Tsakali).

6-8 / 10 / 2017  ♦  “Σπίτι του Πολιτισμού”, Ρέθυμνο    /    “House of Culture”, Rethymno

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