Το Εργαστήριο Φιλοσοφίας: Κείμενα και Ερμηνείες ανακοινώνει την πραγματοποίηση του εργαστηρίου: Postgraduate student and PhD candidate workshop 

Postgraduate students and PhD candidates of AUTH will present their work in a two-day workshop, organized by the Philosophy Laboratory: Texts and Interpretations, in co-operation with the University of Bonn. Prof. Christoph Horn and Dr. Denis Walter (University of Bonn), along with members of the Philosophy Department of AUTH, will actively participate in the workshop and comment on the presentations.
·         Presentations will be 30 minutes long, followed by a 20-minute discussion.
·         Language: English.
·         Attendance of the Workshop is open to all interested members of the AUTH community.
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